In 2023, the District engaged Lechowicz & Tseng Municipal Consultants to complete a comprehensive water and wastewater (sewer) rate study to recommend utility rates to ensure the financial health and stability of the District’s water and sewer funds. This study recommends water and sewer rates for the five-year period beginning in 2024/25 through 2028/29.
On June 13, 2024, the Board of Directors approved the final version of the Rate Study (PDF).
Rates Increase Update
Water Rates
The District’s Board of Directors held a public hearing on the proposed rates on July 12, 2024. The District received 6 letters of protest on the proposed water rate increase. After the Public Hearing the Board was faced with a tough decision, to be financially responsible and prudent with reserves, the Board of Directors approved to increase the water rates by $0.98. The new water rate is $10.02 per 748 gallons.
Sewer Rates
The District’s Board of Directors held a public hearing on the proposed rates on July 12, 2024. The District received 5 letters of protest on the proposed sewer rate increase. After the public hearing the Board approved to increase the sewer rates by $0.37. The new sewer rate is $12.23 per unit applied to the amount of water consumed during January-February 2024 meter reading to determine the annual sewer charge collected on the upcoming property tax roll, with a minimum charge of $146.76 per year.
We understand the frustration you may feel when you are asked to conserve water and are still told rates will increase. Many of the District’s costs, including delivery infrastructure maintenance are fixed and are not reduced when customers conserve water. In other words, as you conserve water, our revenue declines while expenses remain the same or increase.
All the rate increases are effective July 1, 2024.
5-Year Water Rates (bimonthly)
5-Year Sewer Rates